Binary distributions
Source distribution
subclass of Class
LineChart is not a widget type. It is a class whose objects can
be associated with a canvas widget. When a LineChart instance is
associated with a canvas, it will draw a linechart on this canvas.
Several LineChart (and BarChart and ChartGrid) objects can be associated
with the same canvas.
LineChart options
LineChart objects support the following options in its configure method
- -canvas
- name of canvas to draw the chart
- -tag
- unique tag for all canvas items of the chart
- -area
- area in which to diplay the chart (a list of four numbers)
- -xrange
- xrange to display
- -yrange
- xrange to display
- -legend
- display a legend
- -legendpos
- position to display the legend
- -legendfont
- font used for the legend
- -labels
- a list of labels that can be associated with the data
- -labelorient
- orient the labels: horizontal or vertical
- -labelfont
- font used for the labels
- -labelgap
- only show labels for every labelgap bar
LineChart specific methods
pathname destroy
pathname configure ?option? ?value? ?option value ...?
change the LineChart configuration options
pathname dataset name values
A linechart can have several ranges of data. Each range has a name.
This method is used to set (or change) the data in a range.
$values is a list of x and y values consituting the positions of points on the line.
pathname dataget name
returns the current data in range $name
pathname labelist_set labels
sets the labels associated with the linechart
pathname delete name
delete the range with name $name
pathname hidden name ?value?
query or set the hidden state of the datarange name
pathname ranges
returns the names of all ranges in the chart
pathname lineconfigure name ?option? ?value? ?option value ...?
change the display properties of a range. The same options as for the canvas line item are
pathname redraw