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If you have build binaries for other platforms, you might send them to me for inclusion in the binaries section. Other people using the same platform as you might be happy with this. Also if you have found (and solved?) any bugs or errors, I would be happy to hear about it.

The spec files used to build RPMs for Mandrake are in the tar files in the build directory. These may be useful (with some small adaptations) to build for other distributions.

ClassyTcl sources

How to build

Tcl8.3 and Tk8.3 should be installed first. Classytcl and ClassyTk ar dynamically loadable extensions. You can build them using the following scheme:

  1. Download ClassyTcl-1.0.0.src.tar.gz and ClassyTk-1.0.0.src.tar.gz
  2. Unpack the file
    tar xvzf ClassyTcl-1.0.0.src.tar.gz
  3. Goto the build directory:
    cd ClassyTcl/build
  4. Configure. This command has several options you might want to use. You can get a list of options using
    ./configure --help
    eg. use --prefix for installation in /usr instead of in /usr/local. May depend on where your Tcl installation is
    ./configure --prefix=/usr
    eg. use --disable-stubs for compiling with older Tcl versions (< 8.0.5)
    ./configure --disable-stubs
  5. Make the program
  6. Install. You may have to become superuser (root) to do this
    make install


ClassyTcl and ClassyTk are seperated in two source packages starting from v 1.0.0
Peter De Rijk
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