
  ClassyTk Builder

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The ClassyTk Builder can be used to graphically create interfaces. It is invoked via the cbuild command in the bin ClassyTk directory.

Creating an application

You can either invoke cbuild with the name of the application you want to create, or start cbuild without parameters. If you don't give parameters to cbuild, a file selection dialog will be presented where you can select or type in the application name. If no file with this name exists, an application of that name will be created. An editing session will be started automatically.

Application structure

The application consists of a directory with the given name. This directory contains one executable script with the same name, that is used to start up the application. It also contains the directories lib, conf and help, that contain code, configuration information and help files respectively. You may not move the executable out of the application directory, as it uses its location to find its resources; However, links to this executable will correctly start the application.

The lib directory has two subdirectories named interface and code. The interface subdirectory contains the code for all interface objects created by the builder. The code dir contains all other code. Initially the directory code contains one file with one function named "main". The function main is called by the startup script, and should always be present for the application to work. In this function, you can put all code to initialise the application. In a new app, it will only create a mainw interface object (in the interface directory) named .mainw.

Editing an application

An editing session on an application can be started in several ways: You can either invoke cbuild with the name of the application to be edited, invoke cbuild without parameters, and select the application to be edited in a file selection dialog, or run the application with "-builder" as the first parameter.

The builder works within the program to be edited. This means that you can do realistic testing. So when invoking the builder on an appliction, the application will start up normally, but will show one window extra: the builder window.

The builder window

By default, the builder window shows the files in the code directory of the application. Clicking on such a file will show (or hide), the functions in this file. Double clicking on a plain function will start the function editor on this function. Double cliking a file will start a text editor on the entire file.

Besides the plain Tcl functions, there are special interface functions. These functions are used to create interface objects such as dialogs, toplevels and frames. The functions are diplayed with a different icon in builder window, and are edited graphically with the window builder (also started by double clicking). invoking an interface function without parameters will create a window with its default window name. An interface function can be used to create several (similar) windows, by invoking it several times with different window names as a parameter. You can also create interface functions that can have extra parameters in the form of an "option value ..." list.

In the builder you can also remove, add, copy, paste or rename files and functions. You can also browse and edit the configuration and help directories (from the File menu). The configuration dir contains several subdirectories. The init subdir contains the default application configuration files. The data in them will be edited with configuration dialogs

Configuration settings

In the configuration system, settings for different types of configuration are handled the following way: The color, font and Misc settings are changed in the options database. You can see the actual option Pattern by opening the "Advanced" fold. The buttons and entries in this fold can also be used to add, change or delete options. The key and mouse configuration settings are changed by defining (or redefining) virtual events. These virtual events can be used directly by bindings in your application, or automatically via the DynaMenu system. Toolbars and Menu configurations provide the definitions for DynaTool and DynaMenu.
Peter De Rijk
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