The ClassyTk WindowBuilder
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Applications made with the ClassyTk builder use interface functions to
create toplevels, dialogs or frames. The ClassyTk WindowBuilder is used
to graphically edit the layout of, and code associated with these interfaces.
New interface functions can be created in the the
Builder. They can be edited in the
WindowBuilder by double clicking their icon (or text).
The WindowBuilder that pops up consequently consists of two windows:
the work and the editing window
The work window
The work window displays a copy of the toplevel, dialog or frame being edited.
This copy resembles the actual interface that will be created by the function
being edited very closely, but is not functional. The interface consists of
widgets arranged in a tabular grid. Frame widgets in this grid can
contain other widgets, also arranged in a grid within the frame.
The borders of the current grid are indicated by buttons which can be used to
insert or delete rows and columns, and to select whether a row or column
will be stretched when the parent is expanded. The position
of widgets in the grid can be changed by dragging them to another
(empty) location.
Clicking on a widget will select it. The selected window will be indicated
by 8 small rectangles surounding its location in the grid. A widget does not
nescesarily occupy the entire location it has available. Clicking on one of
the small rectangles will change whether the widget will "stick" to that side or
not. This is also indicated by the color of the rectangle on that side. If
the widget sticks to two opposite sides, it will be stretched to fill
the available space. Dragging out the east, south or south-east small
rectangles will cause the widget to occupy more than one row or column (or
both). The selected widget can also be moved with the arrow keys.
The editing window
The editing window displays a menu, many icons and a notebook. It is used
to edit the attributes and bindings of the selected widget, and to
add, delete, rename, copy and paste widgets in the work window. The menu
short-cuts can be used in the work window.
Creating new widgets
The icons on the left of the editing widget represent the widgets that can
be used. Clicking on an icon will create a new widget of the represented
type in the same column as the currently selected widget. You can also
create a widget by dragging one of these icons to the location on the work
window where you want the widget to be created. Of course, you can also
create widgets from the menus. Each new widget gets a name according to
its type, but can be renamed later.
Renaming a widgets
The current name of the select widget appears in the entry widget in the
top right of the editing window. This name will always start with
"$window". $window stands for the window that will be created by the
interface function. If you change the name, and press Enter, the widget
will be renamed to the new name. The new name must also start with "$window".
Selecting the parent or children of the current widgets
The Select option menu makes this possible.
Changing the attributes of a widget
Under the tabs "Special" and "Attributes" you will find an interface to
change the attributes of a widget. The "Attributes" allows editing all
configurable options of the widget. The "Special" Tab can add a few
additional options not directly available via configuration of the widget.
It also features the most commonly changed attributes, so this Tab is mostly
used for editing.
It is possible to put code in the fields for an attribute. If the value
given to an option starts and ends with quotes or square brackets, it is
considered code, and will be evaluated and the result is assigned to the
option. For this code, the variable window is always available, and has
the name of the window being created as its value. If the value for an
option contains "$window", it will always be substituted by the window
name, even if the value is not code.
Changing the bindings of a widget
This is under the "Bindings" tab. events can be added and deleted, and the
corresponding code edited. If the code added to an event is empty, the
event will be removed
Options and initialisation code
The "Code" contains a notebook with 3 tabs.
- Options
The Options tab allows
the specification of which options can be given to the interface function,
and what their default and possible values are. It also specifies the
defualt window name, which is by default the same as the function name
with a dot prepended. The options are available in an array with the name
- Initialise
The code in this box will be executed after all widgets are created, but
before the options wich contain code are configured. In it, you can eg.
set variables that you use in code associated to widget options.
- Finalise
The code in this box will be executed after the window is created. It
can be used to initialise variables, add some further configurations, etc.